Want to know the best way to stay ‘motivated’?…. Just show up. The best way to establish a new habit. Listening to habit expert @james_clear on the @onnit podcast discuss just that, and in my line of work I can’t help but agree. It’s the people who show up that make the biggest changes, long term. In every aspect of life, despite the set backs and moments of doubt.When it comes to adopting a healthier lifestyle or establishing a training regime that works, if you…- Feel tired, just show up!- Muscle pain, just show up!- Stressed and time poor, just show up!- Life’s getting you down, just show up!- CBF, just show up!No excuses… you don’t even have to train! You could foam roll or focus on mobility work but the simple act of showing up helps create routine. Your showing up becomes habitual, then no motivation is needed, ever! Then you will show up, just like you brush your teeth, or commute to work… on autopilot!If you fail to show up consistently, how can you expect to even begin to scratch the surface? ————————————————————————#transformation #bodytransformation #changeyourlife #changeyourbody #changeyourmind #habits #atomichabits #1percentchange #habitloop #training #fitness #health #wellness #strength #getstrong #gethealthy #getlean #getfocused #fatloss
Categories: Making Change