Overcoming challenges = more fulfilling than anything money can buy! No I didn’t upload this video to show how to do a perfect snatch… (I’m far from being able to do that!). I did upload it to help me explain the magic of trying new things, throwing yourself in the deep end.I had the pleasure of attending Lester Ho’s morning ‘Learn to Lift’ session on snatches yesterday. I have clients who want to start learning some more complex lifts and so what better way to learn, than from a master in this craft. Having never even attempted snatches before, I could’ve let the fact I was learning with CrossFitters and experienced weight lifters, intimidate me and stop me from trying.Instead I gave it my best shot, taking away so much from this session and in an hour or so was able to do something remotely resembling a snatch (exhibit A ). However it also gave me the tools I need to go away and improve to help grow my skill set and offer more to my clients. That is what it’s all about for me, growth, personally and professionally, so that I may be of better service to my clients.Thanks so much @lesterhokw and the gang at The Training Geek for your excellent teachings and patience with my lack of experience/coordination. And for those of you wanting to take that first step, into training, or trying a new challenge, my advice is just f*n do it… eat that fear for breakfast!Sure you might look a fool, but who cares what people think, that’s a reflection of their own insecurities. Take the gamble and challenge yourself, the growth and satisfaction you will be rewarded with beats any material possession!
Categories: Making Change