My Instagram Post 28 July 2017

Some days you just want to gourmet!

After preparing 1.5kg of chicken breast to go with the veggies I prepped yesterday, I just felt like a steak!
This super easy Steak with Beet, Fennel and Parsnip mash actually took minimal time to prep, and is just the thing for my flagging iron levels. I prepped two meals with this, with some mash left over to go with my other meals.

Prepare the desired amount of lean steak (I chose rump for this one) with approximately 1 clove garlic, 1 tsp oregano and the juice of half a lemon per 2 serves. Season with s&p. Set aside while you prep veges.

Cut up a fennel bulb, 1 large parsnip, 1 large beets into approx 1