Crispy fish and heirloom salad

Been a while between Monday Meal prep posts, so thank you @anti_detox_girl and @grace_tbtw for reminding me about this one! It’s a super simple recipe for Crispy fish, I have used barramundi but most varieties Read more…

It’s all about the food

You well and truly are what you eat… Food has a massive influence on your current state of health, huge! Do you find you easily catch every bug going? Do you get frequent injuries and Read more…


preparation ˌprɛpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. the action or process of preparing or being prepared for use or consideration. If you were a soldier you wouldn’t want to go in to battle without preparation! So to, if Read more…

Make time, not excuses.

Busy day yesterday, between 2 nutrition consults I had 20 mins to do my meal prep for 2 days. I got to work chopping, grilling, blanching and prepping 10 meals, to top up my already Read more…

Easter protein smoothie

In the spirit of Easter I am reviving one of my old recipes as a post-workout Protein Smoothie for Easter! If you like hot cross buns but don’t want to indulge in them, then I’ve Read more…